🎥 Spark Zone E1: Notion Content Planning Systems

Hi Reader,

In my last email, I told you about the YouTube channel I was about to launch. The first video is out today!

A little appreciation first...

One of the best things about Notion is its global community. The Notion ecosystem is filled with friendly, supportive people who love creating. This shared passion is what makes it so vibrant and powerful.

If it weren't for the friends I made through this incredible community, I wouldn't have had the courage to start a YouTube channel.

I have hosted/attended Show & Tell sessions before. But they were like private meetings. We met on Zoom, presented systems, and received feedback from friends. Those were great learning opportunities for the participants. This time is no different —other than being available for you to watch.

Dare to compare?

In this first episode of the Show & Tell series, we look into three content planning systems built on Notion, each presented by its maker. We discuss what makes these systems efficient and how they can be improved.

✔️ Includes honest feedback and friendly conversations.

❌ Doesn't include relentless product promos.

Featured pros:

If you’re looking for a solution to manage your social media content on Notion, watch the video to get inspired.

video preview

This is just the beginning. More solution-focused episodes are on the way. We focus on Notion systems for now, but other fields will be included later.

PS. You know the drill, Reader. Give a thumbs up, hit subscribe. (It's a new channel. I'm new to this. Show us some love! 💛)

Until next time,


Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, EN6 3DF
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Spark Zone • by Merve Goulding

I write about systems, productivity, and Notion to inspire solo business owners, creatives, and consultants.

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